rr-b4sexdwarf 2-3-12Robin Renée is a Mantra-Pop recording artist, writer, kirtan chanter, Pagan, fangirl, once and future scientist, and advocate of all things queer and sacred.  Her written work has appeared in Big Hammer #12, Curve Magazine, Songwriter’s Market, PanGaia, Biff Bam Pop!That Takes Ovaries – Bold Females and their Brazen Acts (Random House), Blessed Bi Spirit – Bisexual People of Faith (Continuum Press), and many other publications.   Her recordings include In Progress, All Six Senses, Live Devotion, spirit.rocks.sexy, This., and All I Am.  The Dream Between flows with life and the creative force in the current between black and white, gay and straight, masculine and feminine, monastic and mundane.
